Wisconsin Lutheran Choir Repertoire
A Girl’s Garden (from Frostiana), Randall Thompson
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
All Praise to Thee, Elaine Hagenberg
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, Heinrich Schütz
Antiphon, Kenneth Jennings
Arise, Your Light Has Come, David Danner
Be Thou My Vision, arr. Kyle Pederson
Bogoróditse Devo, Sergei Rachmaninoff
Brightest and Best, arr. Shawn Kirchner
Brothers, Sing On!, Edvard Grieg
Come Find His Rest, Dan Forrest
Go Pretty Child, Jack Jarrett
Hallelujah, arr. Philip Lawson
Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal, arr. Alice Parker
Hodie Christus Natus Est, Healey Willan*
I Bought Me a Cat, arr. Irving Fine*
I Sing Because I’m Happy, adapt. Rollo Dilworth
I Will Greatly Rejoice, Knut Nystedt*
I’ll Fly Away, arr. Shawn Kirchner
I’m a Train, arr. Peter Knight*
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, arr. Matthew Culloton*
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine, arr. Norman Luboff*
Joy to the World, arr. Mack Wilberg
Jubilate Deo, Peter Anglea*
Laetatus Sum, Johann Michael Haydn
Let Every Heart, Cary Ratcliff*
Now All the Woods Are Sleeping, arr. David Cherwien
Of the Father’s Love, arr. Christopher Aspaas
Plaudite, Psallite, Kestutis Daugirdas
Praise to the Lord, F. Melius Christiansen
Sanctus (from The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass), Carol Barnett
Selene’s Boat, Don Macdonald*
Silent Night, arr. Dan Forrest
Simple Gifts, arr. Irving Fine*
Still, Ola Gjeilo*
The Deer’s Cry, Arvo Pärt*
The Road Not Taken (from Frostiana), Randall Thompson*
The Seal Lullaby, Eric Whitacre*
Through Love to Light, Elaine Hagenberg
Tu sangre en la mía, Shawn Kirchner
Wayfaring Stranger, arr. Michael Engelhardt
When You Wish Upon a Star, arr. Nancy Wertsch*
Where Riches is Everlastingly, Bob Chilcott*
Who is Silvia?, Matthew Harris*
You Are the New Day, arr. Peter Knight*
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Magical Machine, Stephen Chatman*
A Mighty Fortress, arr. Kyle Pederson
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
All Things New, Elaine Hagenberg
Angels We Have Heard on High, arr. Matthew Culloton
Animal Crackers, Vol. 1, Eric Whitacre*
Antiphon, Ralph Vaughan Williams
Away from the Roll of the Sea, Allister McGillivray, arr. Diane Loomer
Awake, My Soul, Elaine Hagenberg
Awake, O North Wind (from Wedding Cantata), Daniel Pinkham*
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem, arr. Shawn Kirchner
Before the Marvel of This Night, Carl Schalk*
Cornerstone, Shawn Kirchner
Cry Out and Shout, Knut Nystedt
For Unto Us a Child is Born, Stephen Sturk
God’s Son Has Made Me Free, Edvard Grieg
He is Born!, arr. Dan Forrest*
I Carry Your Heart, Eric Whitacre*
I Will Arise and Go, Shawn Kirchner
I Will Light Candles This Christmas, Kim André Arnesen
If Ye Love Me, Thomas Tallis
I’ll Be On My Way, Shawn Kirchner
In the Beginning, Kyle Pederson
Jesus Loves Me, William B. Bradbury, arr. John A. Ferguson
Listen, I Love You, Stephen Chatman*
Lux Beata Trinitas, Ola Gjeilo*
McKay, arr. Carol Barnett
More Than Enough, Susan LaBarr*
My Lord Has Come, Will Todd*
My Spirit Sang All Day, Gerald Finzi*
Night of Silence, Franz Gruber/Dan Kantor, arr. John Ferguson
Now Shall My Inward Joys Arise, William Billings, arr. Timothy Shaw*
O Day Full of Grace, F. Melius Christiansen
O Magnum Mysterium, Morten Lauridsen
Oh Day of Fire and Sun, Stephen Chatman*
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, arr. Mack Wilberg
Sing Praise to God, Brent Wells
Summertime, George Gershwin, arr. Mark Hayes*
The Pure in Heart (from Beatitudes), Patrick Hawes*
Thixo Onothando, arr. Michael Barrett
Ubi Caritas, Dan Forrest
Veni, Veni Emmanuel, arr. Michael John Trotta*
Vive L’Amour, arr. Parker/Shaw
Wade in the Water, arr. Stacey Gibbs
What Sweeter Music, John Rutter*
Willow, Willow, Matthew Harris*
Zion’s Walls, Aaron Copland*
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Rose Tree Blossoms, Alan Hovhaness
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Agnus Dei, Ola Gjeilo
All Earth is Hopeful (TODA LA TIERRA), Alberto Taulé, arr. James Bobb
Alleluia, Elaine Hagenberg
Come Away, Sweet Love*, Thomas Greaves
Come By Here, arr. Kyle Pederson
Ding Dong! Merrily On High, arr. Ryan Murphy
Finale from “The Gondoliers”*, Gilbert & Sullivan
Good Night, Dear Heart*, Dan Forrest
In Meeting We Are Blessed, Troy D. Robertson
Is He Worthy?, Peterson & Shive, arr. Dan Forrest
Jesus Christ is Lord, Philip W.J. Stopford
Lamentations of Jeremiah*, Z. Randall Stroope
Lift Up Your Heads (from Messiah), George Frideric Handel
Lord of the Dance*, arr. Larry L. Fleming
Make We Joy Now In This Fest*, Matthew Culloton
Ner Ner, Jake Runestad
O Holy Night, arr. Shawn Kirchner
O! What a Beautiful City, arr. Shawn Kirchner
Our Father, Alexander Gretchaninoff
Salmo 150, Ernani Aguiar
Selig Sind die Toten, Heinrich Schütz
Silent Night, arr. John Rutter
Sing Gently*, Eric Whitacre
Sing Unto God, Paul Fetler
Still, Still, Still*, arr. Norman Luboff
The Music of Living, Dan Forrest
The Poor in Spirit (from Beatitudes)*, Patrick Hawes
The Word Was God*, Rosephanye Powell
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day*, John Gardner
Tu Voz, Shawn Kirchner
Tundra, Ola Gjeilo
'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime*, arr. Timothy C. Takach
Ubi Caritas*, Michael John Trotta
Voice Dance III*, Greg Jasperse
Wake, Awake, F. Melius Christiansen
When We Love, Elaine Hagenberg
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Magical Machine*, Stephen Chatman
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Can We Sing the Darkness to Light?, Kyle Pederson
Come Again, Sweet Love!*, John Dowland
Forsaken , Dan Forrest
It Was a Lover and His Lass*, Matthew Harris
Lunar Lullaby*, Jacob Narverud
Neither Angels, Nor Demons, Nor Powers, Timothy C. Takach
Oh, How Good It Is, arr. Joshua Spacht
Sicut Cervus , Palestrina
Vum Vive Vum*, Kevin Siegfried
Way Over in Beulah Lan', arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
When the Earth Stands Still*, Don Macdonald
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Christmas Carol*, Charles Ives
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down, Caldwell & Ivory
Alleluia (from Brazilian Psalm), Jean Berger
Alleluia (from Songs of Faith), Paul Basler
And Every Stone Shall Cry, Bob Chilcott
Antiphon (from Spiritual Songs)*, Kenneth Jennings
At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners*, Williametta Spencer
Christmas Bells*, Frank Ferko
Come Unto These Yellow Sands (from Shakespeare Songs, Book VII)*, Matthew Harris
Easter Anthem*, William Billings
Ezekiel Saw de Wheel, arr. Wiliam Dawson
For Unto Us a Child is Born (from Messiah), George Frideric Handel
Gabriel's Message, arr. Matthew Culloton
Grace Before Sleep, Susan LaBarr
I Will Lift Mine Eyes, Jake Runestad
Ich Lasse Dich Nicht, Du Segnest Mich Denn, J.S. Bach
Jesus, Ever-Abiding Friend, Keith Getty, arr. J.S. Bakken
Joy to the World, arr. John Rutter
Jubilate Deo, Peter Anglea
Khvalitye Imya Gospodnye, Sergei Rachmaninoff
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, arr. Robert Scholz
Non Nobis, Domine, Rosephanye Powell
Northern Lights*, Ola Gjeilo
Nunc Dimittis, René Clausen
October Sun*, Daniel Elder
One Sweet Little Baby*, arr. Shawn Kirchner
Pilgrim's Hymn*, Stephen Paulus
Quick! We Have but a Second*, Charles V. Stanford
Shout the Glad Tidings*, Ned Rorem
Sing Joyfully, William Byrd
Star in the East*, arr. Brad Holmes
The Lamb*, Ken Neufeld
The Shepherd's Lamb, Dan Forrest
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Alleluia, Rejoice!, arr. J. Edmund Hughes
America (from West Side Story)*, arr. William Stickles
And Can It Be?, Dan Forrest
Brightest and Best*, arr. Shawn Kirchner
Can I See Another's Woe (from Pietá), arr. John Muehleisen
Cantique de Jean Racine*, Gabriel Fauré
Carol of The Bells*, Peter J. Wilhousky
Carol of The Birds*, arr. Craig Courtney
Christ The Appletree, Stanford Scriven
City of Stars (from La La Land)*, arr. Roger Emerson
Cloudburst, Eric Whitacre
Even When He Is Silent, Kim André Arnesen
Exsultate Deo, Alessandro Scarlatti
Gaudete (from Two Medieval Lyrics), arr. Steven Sametz
Goin' Home, arr. William Arms Fisher
Hallelujah (from Heavenly Home: Three American Songs), arr. Shawn Kirchner
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing, arr. Mack Wilberg
I Know That My Redeemer Lives, arr. Dan Forrest
Immortal Bach*, arr. Knut Nystedt
In Dulci Jubilo*, arr. R.L. Pearsall
It Is Well with My Soul, arr. Yu-Shan Tsai
Let the River Run (from Working Girl)*, arr. Craig Hella Johnson
Moon River (from Breakfast at Tiffany's)*, arr. Steve Zegree
Out of the Orient Crystal Skies, Richard Zgodava
Pengyou, Ting!*, arr. Carolyn Jennings
Praise to the Lord, F. Melius Christiansen
Pure Imagination (from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)*, arr. Matthew D. Nielsen
Ride On, King Jesus!, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
Seize the Day (from Newsies)*, arr. Kirby Shaw
Set Me as A Seal*, René Clausen
Shepherd's Pipe Carol, John Rutter
Sing a Mighty Song*, Daniel E. Gawthrop
Sing Praise to God, Brent Wells
Sing We at Pleasure*, Thomas Weelkes
So I'll Sing With My Voice (from Spirituals and Swedish Chorales)*, Dominick Argento
Spotless Rose, Ola Gjeilo
Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs, Karl Heinrich Graun
Sweet Rivers, Shawn Kirchner
The Conversion of Saul, Z. Randall Stroope
The Moon is Distant from the Sea, David N. Childs
There Shall A Star from Jacob, Felix Mendelssohn
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day*, Philip Stopford
Voice Dance IV, Greg Jasperse
When Daffodils Begin to Peer*, Matthew Harris
Wonderful Peace*, Gustaf Nordquist
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Martin Luther, arr. Michael D. Costello
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Africa*, Paich/Porcaro, arr. Philip Lawson
All Creatures Now Are Merry Minded*, John Bennet
All Through the Night*, arr. K. Lee Scott
Alleluia, Jake Runestad
And The Glory of the Lord (from Messiah), George Frideric Handel
Arise, My Soul, Arise, arr. Dan Forrest
Blackbird*, Lennon/McCartney, arr. Daryl Runswick
Can't Buy Me Love*, Lennon/McCartney, arr. Keith Abbs
Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands, arr. Kevin Hildebrand
Coelos Ascendit Hodie (from Three Motets), Charles Stanford
Come Let's Rejoice, John Amner
Dirait-on (from Les Chansons des Roses), Morten Lauridsen
Dirshu Adonai, Kenneth and Kirsten Lampl
Earth Song*, Frank Ticheli
Freedom Come, Ben Allaway
Go Where I Send Thee*, arr. André Thomas
Hark (In 7/8)*, Felix Mendelssohn, arr. Steven Landau
Heather (from Autumn Landscapes)*, Veljo Tormis
I'm a Train*, Albert Hammond, arr. Peter Knight
In Dulci Jubilo, arr. Matthew Culloton
In Silent Night, Mitchell B. Southall
Isaiah Mighty Seer in Days of Old, arr. Jeremy S. Bakken
It is Late Summer (from Autumn Landscapes)*, Veljo Tormis
John Saw Duh Numbuh, arr. Alice Parker and Robert Shaw
Justice, O God, Felix Mendelssohn
Kalá Kallá (from Five Hebrew Love Songs), Eric Whitacre
Let Every Heart, Cary Ratcliff
Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word, arr. John A. Behnke
Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)*, Billy Joel, arr. Philip Lawson
Lully, Lulla, Lullay*, Philip WJ Stopford
Lux Nova, Eric Whitacre
Nyon Nyon, Jake Runestad
O Come, All Ye Faithful, John F. Wade, arr. Mack Wilberg
O Holy Night, Adolphe Adam, arr. Rene Clausen
O Salutaris Hostia, Eriks Esenvalds
Quiet Rain (from Nocturnes)*, Hildor Lundvik
Ríu, Ríu, Chíu*, Anonymous
Savior of the Nations, Come, setting by J.S. Bach
See Amid the Winter's Snow, John Goss, arr. Dan Forrest
Sing We Now of Christmas*, arr. Fred Prentice
Sumer is Icumen In*, arr. Richard Bjella
The Lake Isle, Ola Gjeilo
The Pure in Heart (from Beatitudes), Patrick Hawes
The Urchin's Dance*, Stephen Chatman
Turn, Turn, Turn, Peter Seeger, arr. Linda Palmer
Unclouded Day, arr. Shawn Kirchner
Verleih Uns Frieden Genädiglich, Heinrich Schütz
Wake, Awake, Philipp Nicolai, F. Melius Christiansen
We All Believe in One True God, arr. Matthew Machemer
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Martin Luther, arr. W.B. Olds
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Also Hat Gott Die Welt Geliebt, Heinrich Schütz
Amazing Grace, arr. John Rutter
Awake, O North Wind (from Wedding Cantata), Daniel Pinkham
Blackbird*, Lennon/McCartney, arr. Runswick
E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come, Paul Manz
Es ist ein Ros Entsprungen*, arr. Jan Sandström
For God Commanded Angels to Watch Over You, Felix Mendelssohn
Gaudete*, arr. J. David Moore
Give Me Jesus, arr. Larry L. Fleming
Gloria, Jeffrey H. Rickard
God Bless America, arr. Charles Boutelle
Hark, Hark! the Lark*, Matthew Harris
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing, arr. Dan Forrest
How Can I Keep From Singing?, arr. Z. Randall Stroope
Il est Né, le Divin Enfant!*, arr. Donna Gartman Schultz
Jesus, My Great Pleasure (excerpts), J.S. Bach
I. Chorale
VI. Double Fugue
VII. Chorale
X. Dramatic Chorus
XI. Chorale
Lift Up Your Heads (from Messiah), George Frideric Handel
Magnificat, Eriks Esenvalds
My Spirit Sang All Day*, Gerald Finzi
Nunc Dimittis, Gustav Holst
O Day Full of Grace, F. Melius Christiansen
Only in Sleep*, Eriks Esenvalds
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow, arr. André Thomas
Savior of the Nations, Come, arr. Richard Nance
Soneto de la Noche*, Morten Lauridsen
Stay With Us (from Captive and Free), Egil Hovland
Sure On This Shining Night*, Samuel Barber
Take, O Take, Those Lips Away*, Matthew Harris
Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred*, Matthew Harris
The Battle of Jericho, arr. Moses Hogan
The Hands That First Held Mary's Child, Dan Forrest
The Holly and the Ivy*, Virgil Thomson
The Wexford Carol*, arr. Matthew Culloton
There is a Garden in Her Face (from An Elizabethan Spring)*, Stephen Chatman
Upon a Bank With Roses Set About (from Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal)*, Paul Mealor
Veni Creator Spiritus, Anthony Bernarducci
Wana Baraka*, arr. Shawn Kirchner
Windham, arr. Brad Holmes
You Are the New Day*, John David, arr. Peter Knight
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Across the Vast, Eternal Sky, Ola Gjeilo
Agnus Dei, Edward Elgar, arr. Kenneth Jennings
Allelujah Sasa! He is Born! , Ben Allaway
Angels We Have Heard On High*, Arnold Freed
Antiphon (from Five Mystical Songs), Ralph Vaughan Williams
Be Thou My Vision, John Rutter
Bright Morning Stars, arr. Shawn Kirchner
Can't Buy Me Love*, Lennon/McCartney, arr. Keith Abbs
Cantate Domino, Josu Elberdin
Carol of the Drum*, Katherine K. Davis
City Called Heaven, arr. Josephine Poelinitz
Come Again, Sweet Love*, John Dowland
Flight Song, Kim André Arnesen
For Good (from Wicked)*, Stephen Schwartz, arr. Mac Huff
Glorification (from Celestial Spring), F. Melius Christiansen
Glow*, Eric Whitacre
Go Where I Send Thee*, arr. Caldwell and Ivory
God's Son Has Made Me Free, Edvard Grieg
Hark, All Ye Lovely Saints*, Thomas Weelkes
Haste On, My Joys* (from Seven Poems of Robert Bridges), Gerald Finzi
Hosanna (from Words from Paradise), Dan Forrest
I Can Tell the World, arr. Moses Hogan
I Wonder as I Wander*, arr. J. Aaron McDermid
Joy to the World, arr. Mack Wilberg
Lullaby (from Three Nocturnes)*, Daniel Elder
Lullaby of Broadway (from Forty-Second Street)*, Dubin and Warren, arr. Jay Althouse
My Lord Has Come, Will Todd
Nun Danket Alle Gott, Johann Pachelbel
Nunc Dimittis, Robert Scholz
Oh, Bethlehem!*, Conrad Susa
On December's Frozen Ground*, Conrad Susa
Patapan, arr. David Conte
Rejoice in the Lord, Anon.
Shenandoah, arr. James Erb
Sing We and Chant It*, Thomas Morley
Stars*, Eriks Esenvalds
The Lord's Prayer, Robert Stone
The Worlds Above, Ben Allaway
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star*, arr. Daniel Elder
Ubi Caritas, Ola Gjeilo
Voice Dance*, Greg Jasperse
Wanting Memories*, Ysaye M. Barnwell
What Sweeter Music, John Rutter
Yesterday*, Lennon/McCartney, arr. Bob Chilcott
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Spotless Rose, Paul Mealor
Abendlied, Josef Rheinberger
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Angels From the Realms of Glory*, arr. Dan Forrest
Awake the Harp (from The Creation), Franz Joseph Haydn
Baba Yetu, Christopher Tin
Bogoróditse Djévo*, Arvo Pärt
Christ the Appletree*, Stanford Scriven
Dark Night of the Soul, Ola Gjeilo
Good Night, Dear Heart*, Dan Forrest
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing*, arr. Matthew Culloton
Hosanna to the Son of David, Thomas Weelkes
Huron Carol, arr. Dale Warland
I Am the Rose of Sharon*, William Billings
I Got a Home In-a That Rock, arr. J. Melvin Butler
It Is Well With My Soul, arr. Yu-Shan Tsai
Little Birds*, Eric Whitacre
My Spirit Sang All Day*, Gerald Finzi
Mundi Renovatio*, György Orbán
Nocturnes*, Hildor Lundvik
Nunc Dimittis, Alexander Gretchaninoff
Praise to Christ (from Te Deum), Dan Forrest
Praise to the Lord, F. Melius Christiansen
Prepare the Way*, arr. Margareta Jalkeus
Requiem, arr. Craig Hella Johnson
Salmo 150, Ernani Aguiar
Set Me as a Seal, René Clausen
Siyahamba, arr. Anders Nyberg
Spring, the Sweet Spring (from An Elizabethan Spring)*, Stephen Chatman
Stetit Angelus, Rihards Dubra
Sussex Carol, arr. Barlow Bradford
The Godly Stranger*, G. Winston Cassler
The Hills Are Bare at Bethlehem, arr. Robert Scholz
The Last Words of David*, Randall Thompson
The Moon is Distant From the Sea*, David Childs
To the New Jerusalem, arr. Matthew Culloton
To One That Desired to Know My Mistris (from Four Madrigals on Renaissance Texts), Morten Lauridsen
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, arr. Dale Grotenhuis
Unicornis Captivatur, Ola Gjeilo
Way Over in Beulah Lan', arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
Who is Sylvia? (from Shakespeare Songs, Book I)*, Matthew Harris
With a Lily in Your Hand (from Three Flower Songs)*, Eric Whitacre
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Un Niño Llorando*, Francisco Guerrero
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
Alleluia, Eric Whitacre
Angels We Have Heard On High, arr. Matthew Culloton
Animal Crackers, Vol. I, Eric Whitacre
As is the Sea Marvelous (from The City and the Sea)*, Eric Whitacre
Beautiful Savior, arr. F. Melius Christiansen
Before the Marvel of This Night*, Carl Schalk
Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind*, George Shearing
Bring A Torch, Jeanette, Isabella, arr. Barlow Bradford
Come Away, Sweet Love (from An Elizabethan Summer)*, Stephen Chatman
Exultate Deo, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Fa Shu Ha, Yu-Shan Tsai
Fancie*, Benjamin Britten
Gloria In Excelsis (from Gloria), Antonio Vivaldi
Gloria Patri (from Magnificat), John Rutter
Heather (from Autumn Landscapes)*, Veljo Tormis
How Can I Keep From Singing?, arr. Matthew Culloton
Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben, Heinrich Schütz
It is Late Summer (from Autumn Landscapes)*, Veljo Tormis
Light of a Clear Blue Morning, arr. Craig Hella Johnson
Little Man In a Hurry (from The City and the Sea)*, Eric Whitacre
Long, Long Ago*, Herbert Howells
Maggie and Milly and Molly and May (from The City and the Sea)*, Eric Whitacre
MLK, arr. Bob Chilcott
Nunc Dimittis, René Clausen
O Schöne Nacht*, Johannes Brahms
Oculus Non Vidit, Rihards Dubra
Oh, Yes!, arr. Carol Barnett
Past Life Melodies, Sarah Hopkins
Past Three A Clock*, arr. John Rutter
Piping Down the Valleys Wild (from There is Sweet Music Here)*, Stephen Chatman
Ride On, King Jesus, arr. Moses Hogan
Rotala, Juris Karlsons
Sing Me To Heaven, Daniel Gawthrop
Singabahambayo, arr. Henry H. Leck
Slava V Vyshnikh Bogu (from Vespers), Sergei Rachmaninoff
Sleep*, Eric Whitacre
Sure On This Shining Night (from Nocturnes)*, Morten Lauridsen
Tangueando, Oscar Escalada
The Cloud-Capp'd Towers*, Ralph Vaughan Williams
The Ground (from Sunrise Mass), Ola Gjeilo
The Music of Living, Dan Forrest
The Word Was God, Rosephanye Powell
There is Sweet Music Here (from There is Sweet Music Here)*, Stephen Chatman
Urchin's Dance (from An Elizabethan Spring)*, Stephen Chatman
Verbum Caro Factum Est: Y La Virgen Le Dezia*, Anonymous
Wind Over the Barrens (from Autumn Landscapes)*, Veljo Tormis
Wonder Tidings (from Three Nativity Carols), Stephen Paulus
Wonderful Peace*, Gustaf Nordqvist
Zion's Walls, arr. Aaron Copland
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
All This Night*, Gerald Finzi
Alleluia, Rejoice!, arr. J. Edmund Hughes
Arise, Shine (from What Child Is This), John Leavitt
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?, Moses Hogan
Ding, Dong! Merrily On High, arr. Stephen Paulus
Dúlamán, Arr. Michael McGlynn
Ev'ry Time I Feel The Spirit, arr. William Dawson
Fionnghuala, arr. Michael McGlynn
For Unto Us A Child Is Born (from Messiah), George Frideric Handel
From the Sea (from Three Poems of Sarah Teasdale)*, Frank Ticheli
Hallelu, Stephen Paulus
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, arr. Mack Wilberg
Hear My Prayer, O Lord, Henry Purcell
In Dulci Jubilo, arr. Matthew Culloton
Jubilate Deo, Giovanni Gabrieli
Las Agachadas*, Aaron Copland
Lullay My Liking*, Gustav Holst
McKay (from An American Thanksgiving), arr. Carol Barnett
Oread Farewell, Dan Forrest
Ov'e Lass, Il Bel Viso? (from Six Fire Songs)*, Morten Lauridsen
Peace (from Shaker Songs), arr. Kevin Siegfried
Psalm 50 (movements II & III), F. Melius Christiansen
Sanctus (from Messe), Frank Martin
Shepherd's Pipe Carol*, John Rutter
Sir Christémas*, William Mathias
Sleep My Child*, Eric Whitacre
So I'll Sing With My Voice (from Spirituals and Swedish Chorales)*, Dominick Argento
Suo Gan*, arr. Bradford Barlow
Talismane, Robert Schumann
The Call (from Spiritual Songs), Kenneth Jennings
The Day Is Done*, Stephen Paulus
The Spheres (from Sunrise Mass), Ola Gjeilo
There's Singing Up In Heaven
(from Spirituals and Swedish Chorales)*, Dominick Argento
Ubi Caritas, Paul Mealor
Urchin's Dance (from An Elizabethan Spring)*, Stephen Chatman
Vinea Mea Electa, Francis Poulenc
Weeping Mary, arr. Brad Holmes
Wexford Carol*, arr. Dale Warland
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
A Boy Was Born*, Benjamin Britten
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
All Through the Night*, arr. Norman Luboff
Awake, O North Wind*, Daniel Pinkham
Benedicamus Domino*, Peter Warlock
Birthday Carol*, David Willcocks
By and By, arr. Carol Barnett
Caritas et Amor, Z. Randall Stroope
Come, and Let Us Worship, Alexander Gretchaninoff
Danny Boy*, arr. Joseph Flummerfelt
Dulaman*, arr. David Mooney
Earth Song*, Frank Ticheli
En Une Seule Fleur* (from Les Chansons des Roses), Morten Lauridsen
Ezekiel Saw de Wheel, arr. Moses Hogan
Gloria (from Mass in G minor), Ralph Vaughan Williams
Hosanna to the Son of David, Orlando Gibbons
I Saw Three Ships*, Arr. Mack Wilberg
Immortal Bach, arr. Knut Nystedt
Loch Lomond*, arr. Jonathan Quick
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, arr. Mack Wilberg
Lux Aurumque, Eric Whitacre
O Day Full of Grace, arr. F. Melius Christiansen
Quick! We Have but a Second*, Charles Stanford
Sanctus, J.S. Bach
The Drummer and the Cook*, arr. Harrison Oxley
The Holly and the Ivy, Stephen Paulus
The Little Beggarman*, arr. Emily Crocker
The Lord's Prayer (from African Sanctus), David Fanshawe
The Road Not Taken* (from Frostiana), Randall Thompson
The Seal Lullaby*, Eric Whitacre
The Shepherd's Farewell, Hector Berlioz
There Shall a Star from Jacob, Felix Mendelssohn
Three Nocturnes for Chorus and Percussion, Dan Forrest
Voices of Earth*, Stephen Chatman
Wana Baraka, arr. Shawn Kirchner
We Gather Together, arr. Stephen Paulus
What Sweeter Music*, John Rutter
What Wondrous Love, arr. Robert Scholz
* Performed by the Chamber Choir
Abide With Me, arr. Lucy Hirt
All My Heart This Night Rejoices , Z. Randall Stroope
Amor de mi Alma*, Z. Randall Stroope
Animal Crackers, Vol. II*
i. The Canary
ii. The Eel
iii. The Kangaroo, Eric Whitacre
Bile Them Cabbage Down, arr. Mack Wilberg
Do You Hear What I Hear?, arr. Harry Simeone
El Rorro*, arr. Jeffrey Van
Gaudete, arr. Steven Sametz
Glory Hallelujah to the New Born King, arr. Mark Butler
Hope, Faith, Life, Love, Eric Whitacre
Hymn to the Eternal Flame, Stephen Paulus
I Have Had Singing*, Steven Sametz
I Wonder as I Wander, arr. Barlow Bradford
If Ye Love Me, Thomas Tallis
Io Son La Primavera*, William Hawley
Laudate, René Clausen
Lay Me Low (from Shaker Songs), arr. Kevin Siegfried
Liebeslieder, Op. 52*, Johannes Brahms
My Spirit Sang All Day*, Gerald Finzi
Noél Ayisyen*, Emile Desamours
O Come, All Ye Faithful, arr. Mack Wilberg
O Little Town of Bethlehem, arr. Dale Warland
Pengyou, Ting!*, arr. Carolyn Jennings
Richte, Mich Gott, Felix Mendelssonhn
Sanctus (from Requiem), Maurice Duruflé
Silent Night*, arr. Malcolm Sargent
Speak, O Lord, arr. John Ferguson
Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred*, Matthew Harris
The Holly and the Ivy*, Virgil Thomson
The Road Home, Stephen Paulus
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day*, John Gardner
Voice Dance*, Greg Jasperse
Wake, Awake, F. Melius Christiansen
Walk Together, Children, arr. Moses Hogan
Wanting Memories, Ysaye M. Barnwell
Webster (from An American Thanksgiving), arr. Carol Barnett
What a Wonderful World, arr. René Clausen
Ye Shall Have a Song, Randall Thompson
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones, Healey Willan
You are the New Day, arr. Peter Knight
*Performed by the Chamber Choir